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Naveen Chinthakaaya

Friday, May 22, 2020


Advantage of Ethical Hacking

Hacking is quite useful in the following purpose-

1-To recover lost information, especially in case you lost your password.

2-To perform penetration testing to strengthen computer and network security.

3-To put adequate preventative measure in place to prevent security breaches.

4-To have a computer system that prevents malicious hackers from gaining access.

5-Fighting against terrorism and national security breaches.

Related word

Thursday, May 21, 2020



Hacking is an attempt to exploit a  computer system vulnerabilities or a private network inside a computer to gain unauthorized acess.
Hacking is identifying and exploiting weakness in computer system and/ or computer networks for finding the vulnerability and loopholes.
More information
  1. Hacking Y Seguridad
  2. Curso De Hacker Gratis Desde Cero
  3. Blog Seguridad Informática
  4. Hacking Movies
  5. Como Aprender A Hackear Desde Cero
  6. Definicion De Hacker
  7. Hacking Python
  8. El Mejor Hacker Del Mundo
  9. Mind Hacking
  10. Hacking Iphone
  11. Que Es Hacker En Informatica
  12. Hacking Movies
  13. Body Hacking
  14. Tutoriales Hacking
  15. Hacking Marketing

Bypass Hardware Firewalls

This is just a collection of links about my DEF CON 22 presentation, and the two tools I released:



Presentation video from Hacktivity:

Technical blog post:

Have fun!

Related news

Attacking Financial Malware Botnet Panels - SpyEye

This is the second blog post in the "Attacking financial malware botnet panels" series. After playing with Zeus, my attention turned to another old (and dead) botnet, SpyEye. From an ITSEC perspective, SpyEye shares a lot of vulnerabilities with Zeus. 

The following report is based on SpyEye 1.3.45, which is old, and if we are lucky, the whole SpyEye branch will be dead soon. 

Google dorks to find SpyEye C&C server panel related stuff:

  • if the img directory gets indexed, it is rather easy, search for e.g. inurl:b-ftpbackconnect.png
  • if the install directory gets indexed, again, easy, search for e.g. inurl:spylogo.png
  • also, if you find a login screen, check the css file (style.css), and you see #frm_viewlogs, #frm_stat, #frm_botsmon_country, #frm_botstat, #frm_gtaskloader and stuff like that, you can be sure you found it
  • otherwise, it is the best not to Google for it, but get a SpyEye sample and analyze it
And this is how the control panel login looks like, nothing sophisticated:

The best part is that you don't have to guess the admin's username ;)

This is how an average control panel looks like:

Hack the Planet! :)

Boring vulns found (warning, an almost exact copy from the Zeus blog post)

  • Clear text HTTP login - you can sniff the login password via MiTM, or steal the session cookies
  • No password policy - admins can set up really weak passwords
  • No anti brute-force - you can try to guess the admin's password. There is no default username, as there is no username handling!
  • Password autocomplete enabled - boring
  • Missing HttpOnly flag on session cookie - interesting when combining with XSS
  • No CSRF protection - e.g. you can upload new exe, bin files, turn plugins on/off :-( boring. Also the file extension check can be bypassed, but the files are stored in the database, so no PHP shell this time. If you check the following code, you can see that even the file extension and type is checked, and an error is shown, but the upload process continues. And even if the error would stop the upload process, the check can be fooled by setting an invalid $uptype. Well done ...
        if ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] && ($_FILES['file']['size'] > 0))
                $outstr = "<br>";
                $filename = str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES['file']['name']);
                $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')+1);
                if( $ext==='bin' && $uptype!=='config' ) $outstr .= "<font class='error'>Bad CONFIG extension!</font><br>";
                if( $ext==='exe' && $uptype!=='body' && $uptype!=='exe' ) $outstr .= "<font class='error'>Bad extension!</font><br>";

                switch( $uptype )
                case 'body': $ext = 'b'; break;
                case 'config': $ext = 'c'; break;
                case 'exe': $ext = 'e'; break;
                default: $ext = 'e';
                $_SESSION['file_ext'] = $ext;
                if( isset($_POST['bots']) && trim($_POST['bots']) !== '')
                        $bots = explode(' ', trim($_POST['bots']));
                        //writelog("debug.log", trim($_POST['bots']));
                      $filename .= "_".(LastFileId()+1);
                if( FileExist($filename) ) $filename .= LastFileId();
                $tmpName  = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
                $fileSize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
                $fileType = $_FILES['file']['type'];
                ## reading all file for calculating hash
                $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
  • Clear text password storage - the MySQL passwords are stored in php files, in clear text. Also, the login password to the form panel is stored in clear text.
  • MD5 password - the passwords stored in MySQL are MD5 passwords. No PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt, salt, whatever. MD5. Just look at the pure simplicity of the login check, great work!
$query = "SELECT * FROM users_t WHERE uPswd='".md5($pswd)."'";
  • ClickJacking - really boring stuff

    SQL injection

    SpyEye has a fancy history of SQL injections. See details here, here, here, video here and video here.

    It is important to highlight the fact that most of the vulnerable functions are reachable without any authentication, because these PHP files lack user authentication at the beginning of the files.

    But if a C&C server owner gets pwned through this vuln, it is not a good idea to complain to the developer, because after careful reading of the install guide, one can see:

    "For searching info in the collector database there is a PHP interface as formgrabber admin panel. The admin panel is not intended to be found on the server. This is a client application."

    And there are plenty of reasons not to install the formgrabber admin panel on any internet reachable server. But this fact leads to another possible vulnerability. The user for this control panel is allowed to remotely login to the MySQL database, and the install guide has pretty good passwords to be reused. I mean it looks pretty secure, there is no reason not to use that.


    Next time you find a SpyEye panel, and you can connect to the MySQL database, it is worth a shot to try this password.

    Unfortunately the default permissions for this user is not enough to write files (select into outfile):

    Access denied for user 'frmcpviewer' (using password: YES)

    I also made a little experiment with this SQL injection vulnerability. I did set up a live SpyEye botnet panel, created the malware install binaries (droppers), and sent the droppers to the AV companies. And after more and more sandboxes connected to my box, someone started to exploit the SQL injection vulnerability on my server! - - [16/Jun/2014:04:43:00 -0500] "GET /form/frm_boa-grabber_sub.php?bot_guid=&lm=3&dt=%20where%201=2%20union%20select%20@a:=1%20from%20rep1%20where%20@a%20is%20null%20union%20select%20@a:=%20@a%20%2b1%20union%20select%20concat(id,char(1,3,3,7),bot_guid,char(1,3,3,7),process_name,char(1,3,3,7),hooked_func,char(1,3,3,7),url,char(1,3,3,7),func_data)%20from%20rep2_20140610%20where%20@a=3%23 HTTP/1.1" 200 508 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)"

    Although the query did not return any meaningful data to the attacker (only data collected from sandboxes), it raises some legal questions.

    Which company/organization has the right to attack my server? 
    • police (having a warrant)
    • military (if we are at war)
    • spy agencies (always/never, choose your favorite answer)
    • CERT organisations?

    But, does an AV company or security research company has the legal right to attack my server? I don't think so... The most problematic part is when they hack a server (without authorization), and sell the stolen information in the name of "intelligence service". What is it, the wild wild west?

    The SQLi clearly targets the content of the stolen login credentials. If this is not an AV company, but an attacker, how did they got the SpyEye dropper? If this is an AV company, why are they stealing the stolen credentials? Will they notify the internet banking owners about the stolen credentials for free? Or will they do this for money?

    And don't get me wrong, I don't want to protect the criminals, but this is clearly a grey area in the law. From an ethical point of view, I agree with hacking the criminal's servers. As you can see, the whole post is about disclosing vulns in these botnet panels. But from a legal point of view, this is something tricky ... I'm really interested in the opinion of others, so comments are warmly welcome.

    On a side note, I was interested how did the "attackers" found the SpyEye form directory? Easy, they brute-forced it, with a wordlist having ~43.000 entries.

    (Useless) Cross site scripting

    Although parts of the SpyEye panel are vulnerable to XSS, it is unlikely that you will to find these components on the server, as these codes are part of the install process, and the installer fails to run if a valid install is found. And in this case, you also need the DB password to trigger the vuln...

    Session handling

    This is a fun part. The logout button invalidates the session only on the server side, but not on the client side. But if you take into consideration that the login process never regenerates the session cookies (a.k.a session fixation), you can see that no matter how many times the admin logs into the application, the session cookie remains the same (until the admin does not close the browser). So if you find a session cookie which was valid in the past, but is not working at the moment, it is possible that this cookie will be valid in the future ...

    Binary server

    Some parts of the SpyEye server involve running a binary server component on the server, to collect the form data. It would be interesting to fuzz this component (called sec) for vulns.

    Log files revealed

    If the form panel mentioned in the SQLi part is installed on the server, it is worth visiting the <form_dir>/logs/error.log file, you might see the path of the webroot folder, IP addresses of the admins, etc.

    Reading the code

    Sometimes reading the code you can find code snippets, which is hard to understand with a clear mind:

    $content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName));
    if ( $uptype === 'config' )
        $md5 = GetCRC32($content);
    else $md5 = md5($content);
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/4.0") != -1) {
    alert("Your browser is not support yet. Please, use another (FireFox, Opera, Safari)");
    document.getElementById("div_main").innerHTML = "<font class=\'error\'>ChAnGE YOuR BRoWsEr! Dont use BUGGED Microsoft products!</font>";

    Decrypting SpyEye communication

    It turned out that the communication between the malware and C&C server is not very sophisticated (Zeus does a better job at it, because the RC4 key stream is generated from the botnet password).

    function DeCode($content)
    $res = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($content); $i++)
    $num = ord($content[$i]);
    if( $num != 219) $res .= chr($num^219);
    return $res;
    Fixed XOR key, again, well done ...
    This means that it is easy to create a script, which can communicate with the SpyEye server. For example this can be used to fill in the SpyEye database with crap data.

    import binascii
    import requests
    import httplib, urllib

    def xor_str(a, b):
    i = 0
    xorred = ''
    for i in range(len(a)):
    xorred += chr(ord(a[i])^b)
    return xorred

    b64_data= "vK6yv+bt9er17O3r6vqPnoiPjZb2i5j6muvo6+rjmJ/9rb6p5urr6O/j/bK+5uP16/Xs7evq9ers7urv/bSo5u316vXs7evq/a6v5pq/trK1/bi4qbjm453j6uPv7Or9tr/u5um+uuvpve3p7eq/4+vsveLi7Lnqvrjr6ujs7rjt7rns/au3vOa5sre3srW8s7q2tr6p4Lm3tLiw4LmuvKm+q7Spr+C4uPu8qbq5ub6p4Li4vKm6ubm+qeC4qb6/sq+8qbq54LiuqK+0tri0tbW+uK+0qeC/v7So4L+1qLqrsuC+trqyt7ypurm5vqngvb24vqmvvKm6ubm+qeC9/aivuq/mtLW3srW+"
    payload =xor_str (binascii.a2b_base64(b64_data), 219)
    print ("the decrypted payload is: " + payload)
    params = (binascii.b2a_base64(xor_str(payload,219)))
    payload = {'data': params}
    r = requests.post("http://spyeye.localhost/spyeye/_cg/gate.php", data=payload)

    Morale of the story?

    Criminals produce the same shitty code as the rest of the world, and thanks to this, some of the malware operators get caught and are behind bars now. And the law is behind the reality, as always.

    Related posts

    1. Hacker Definicion
    2. Curso Hacking Gratis
    3. Hacking Gif
    4. Como Empezar En El Hacking
    5. Hacking Significado
    6. Hacking Con Buscadores Pdf
    7. Hacking Etico Que Es
    8. Grey Hat Hacking
    9. Hacking Traduccion
    10. Curso De Hacking
    11. Un Hacker
    12. Hacking Web Technologies Pdf
    13. Car Hacking
    14. Como Ser Un Buen Hacker
    15. Amiibo Hacking

    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    OWASP ZAP Project - Zed Attack Proxy Team Releases Two Initiatives

    The Zed Attack Proxy team is pleased to announce two recently released initiatives:

    ZAP In Ten

    The team have just launched a new series of videos called 'ZAP in Ten' in conjunction with AllDayDevOps.

    ZAP in Ten is a series of short form videos featuring Simon Bennetts, project lead of the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)  project. Each video highlights a specific feature or resource for ZAP.

    ZAP API Docs

    As part of OWASP's participation in Google's Season of Docs, the ZAP project has had @sshniro working on API documentation. The first iteration of the documentation is now live It includes Java, Python, and shell example snippets all presented in a responsive and accessible design. Which we will continue to build on in the future.

    Big thanks to Nirojan for his efforts on this wonderful initiative!  Congratulations and thanks to Google Open Source for helping to bring the open source and technical writer communities together!

    More articles

    Change Passwords Regularly - A Myth And A Lie, Don'T Be Fooled, Part 1

    TL;DR: different passwords have different protection requirements, and different attackers using various attacks can only be prevented through different prevention methods. Password security is not simple. For real advise, checking the second post (in progress).

    Are you sick of password advices like "change your password regularly" or "if your password is password change it to pa$$w0rd"? This post is for you!

    The news sites are full of password advises nowadays due to recent breaches. When I read/watch these advise (especially on CNN), I am usually pissed off for a lot of reasons. Some advises are terrible (a good collection is here), some are good but without solutions, and others are better, but they don't explain the reasons. Following is my analysis of the problem. It works for me. It might not work for you. Comments are welcome!

    Password history

    Passwords have been used since ancient times.

    Because it is simple. When I started using the Internet, I believe I had three passwords. Windows login, webmail, and IRC. Now I have ~250 accounts/passwords to different things, like to my smartphone, to my cable company (this password can be used to change the channels on the TV), to my online secure cloud storage, to full disk encryption to start my computer, to my nude pictures, to my WiFi router, to my cloud server hosting provider, etc etc etc. My money is protected with passwords, my communication is protected with passwords/encryption, my work is protected with passwords. It is pretty damn important. But yet people tend to choose lame passwords. Pretty lame ones. Because they don't think it can be significant. But what is not essential today will be relevant tomorrow. The service you used to download music (iTunes) with the lame password will one day protect all your Apple devices, where attackers can download your backup files, erase all your devices, etc. The seven-character and one capital rule is not enough anymore. This advice is like PDF is safe to open, Java is secure. Old, outdated, untrue.

    Now, after this lengthy prologue, we will deep dive into the analysis of the problem, by checking what we want to protect, against whom (who is the attacker), and only after that, we can analyze the solutions. Travel with me, I promise it will be fun! ;)

    What to protect?

    There are different services online, and various services need different ways to protect. You don't use the same lock on your Trabant as you do on your BMW.

    Internet banking, online money

    For me, this is the most vital service to protect. Luckily, most of the internet banking services use two-factor authentication (2FA), but unfortunately, not all of them offer transaction authorization/verification with complete transactions. 2FA is not effective against malware, it just complicates the attack. Transaction authorization/verification is better, but not perfect (see Zitmo). If the access is not protected with 2FA, better choose the best password you have (long, real random, sophisticated, but we will get to this later). If it is protected with 2FA, it is still no reason not to use the best password ;) This is what I call the "very high-level password" class.

    Credit card data

    This system is pretty fucked up bad. Something has to be secret (your credit card number), but in the meantime that is the only thing to identify your credit card. It is like your username is your password. Pretty bad idea, huh? The problem is even worse with a lot of different transaction types, especially when the hotel asks you to fax both sides of your CC to them. Unfortunately, you can't change the password on your credit card, as there is no such thing, but Verified by VISA or 3-D Secure with 2FA might increase the chances your credit card won't get hacked. And on a side note, I have removed the CVV numbers from my credit/debit cards. I only read it once from the card when I received it, I don't need it anymore to be printed there.
    And sometimes, you are your own worst enemy. Don't do stupid things like this:

    Work related passwords (e.g. Windows domain)

    This is very important, but because the attack methods are a bit different, I created this as a different category. Details later.

    Email, social sites (Gmail/Facebook/Twitter), cloud storage, online shopping

    This is what I call the "high level password" class.
    Still, pretty important passwords. Some people don't understand "why would attackers put any energy to get his Facebook account?" It is simple. For money. They can use your account to spread spam all over your Facebook wall. They can write messages to all of your connections and tell them you are in trouble and send money via Western Union or Bitcoin.

    They can use your account in Facebook votes. Your e-mail, cloud storage is again very important. 20 years ago you also had letters you didn't want to print and put in front of the nearest store, neither want you to do that with your private photo album. On a side note, it is best to use a cloud storage where even the cloud provider admin can't access your data. But in this case, with no password recovery option, better think about "alternative" password recovery mechanisms.

    Other important stuff with personal data (e.g. your name, home address)

    The "medium level password" class. This is a personal preference to have this class or not, but in the long run, I believe it is not a waste of energy to protect these accounts. These sites include your favorite pizza delivery service, your local PC store, etc.

    Not important stuff

    This is the category other. I usually use one-time disposable e-mail to these services. Used for the registration, get what I want, drop the email account. Because I don't want to spread my e-mail address all over the internet, whenever one of these sites get hacked. But still, I prefer to use different, random passwords on these sites, although this is the "low level password" class.

    Attackers and attack methods

    After categorizing the different passwords to be protected, let's look at the different attackers and attack methods. They can/will/or actively doing it now:

    Attacking the clear text password 

    This is the most effective way of getting the password. Bad news is that if there is no other factor of protection, the victim is definitely not on the winning side. The different attack methods are:

    • phishing sites/applications,

    • social engineering,
    • malware running on the computer (or in the browser), 
    • shoulder surfing (check out for smartphones, hidden cameras), 
    • sniffing clear-text passwords when the website is not protected with SSL,
    • SSL MiTM,
    • rogue website administrator/hacker logging clear text passwords,
    • password reuse - if the attacker can get your password in any way, and you reuse it somewhere else, that is a problem,
    • you told your password to someone and he/she will misuse it later,
    • hardware keyloggers,
    • etc.

    The key thing here is that no matter how long your passwords are, no matter how complex it is, no matter how often do you change it (except when you do this every minute ... ), if it is stolen, you are screwed. 2FA might save you, or might not.

    Attacking the encrypted password 

    This is the usual "hack the webserver (via SQL injection), dump the passwords (with SQLMap), post hashes on pastebin, everybody starts the GPU farm to crack the hashes" scenario. This is basically the only scenario where the password policies makes sense. In this case the different level of passwords need different protection levels. In some cases, this attack turns out to be the same as the previous attack, when the passwords are not hashed, or are just encoded.

    The current hash cracking speeds for hashes without any iterations (this is unfortunately very common) renders passwords like Q@tCB3nx (8 character, upper-lowercase, digit, special characters) useless, as those can be cracked in hours. Don't believe me? Let's do the math.

    Let's say your password is truly random, and randomly choosen from the 26 upper, 26 lower, 10 digit, 33 special characters. (Once I tried special passwords with high ANSI characters inside. It is a terrible idea. Believe me.). There are 6 634 204 312 890 620 different, 8 character passwords from these characters. Assuming a 2 years-old password cracking rig, and MD5 hash cracking with 180 G/s speed, it takes a worst case 10 hours (average 5) to crack the password, including upgrading your bash to the latest, but still vulnerable bash version. Had the password been 10 characters long, it would take 10 years to crack with today hardware. But if the password is not truly random, it can be cracked a lot sooner.

    A lot of common hashing algorithms don't use protections against offline brute-force attacks. This includes LM (old Windows hashes), NTLM (modern Windows hashes), MD-5, SHA1-2-512. These hashing algorithms were not developed for password hashing. They don't have salting, iterations, etc. out of the box. In the case of LM, the problem is even worse, as it converts the lowercase characters to uppercase ones, thus radically decreasing the key space. Out of the box, these hashes are made for fast calculation, thus support fast brute-force.

    Another attack is when the protected thing is not an online service, but rather an encrypted file or crypto-currency wallet.

    Attacking the authentication system online

    This is what happened in the recent iCloud hack (besides phishing). Attackers were attacking the authentication system, by either brute-forcing the password, or bypassing the password security by answering the security question. Good passwords can not be brute-forced, as it takes ages. Good security answers have nothing to do with the question in first place. A good security answer is as hard to guess as the password itself. If password recovery requires manual phone calls, I know, it is a bit awkward to say that your first dog name was Xjg.2m`4cJw:V2= , but on the other hand, no one will guess that!

    Attacking single sign on

    This type of attack is a bit different, as I was not able to put the "pass the hash" attacks anywhere. Pass the hash attack is usually found in Windows domain environments, but others might be affected as well. The key thing is single sign on. If you can login to one system (e.g. your workstation), and access many different network resources (file share, printer, web proxy, e-mail, etc.) without providing any password, then something (a secret) has to be in the memory which can be used to to authenticate to the services. If an attacker can access this secret, he will be able to access all these services. The key thing is (again) it does not matter, how complex your passwords are, how long it is, how often do you change, as someone can easily misuse that secret.


    Attacking 2FA

    As already stated, 2 factor authentication raises the efforts from an attacker point of view, but does not provide 100% protection. 
    • one time tokens (SecurID, Yubikey) can be relayed in a man-in-the-middle attack
    • smartcard authentication can be relayed with the help of a malware to the attacker machine - or simply circumvented in the browser malware, 
    • text based (SMS) messages can be stolen by malware on the smartphone or rerouted via SS7, 
    • bio-metric protection is constantly bypassed,
    • SSH keys are constantly stolen,
    • but U2F keys are pretty good actually, even though BGP/DNS hijack or similar MiTM can still circumvent that protection,
    • etc. 


    Beware that there are tons of other attack methods to access your online account (like XSS/CSRF), but all of these have to be handled on the webserver side. The best you can do is to choose a website where the Bug Bounty program is running 24/7. Otherwise, the website may be full of low hanging, easy-to-hack bugs.

    Now that we have covered what we want to protect against what, in the next blog post, you will see how to do that. Stay tuned. I will also explain the title of this blog post.

    Related links

    1. El Mejor Hacker Del Mundo
    2. Pagina Hacker
    3. Grey Hat Hacking
    4. Escuela De Hacking
    5. Hacking Time
    6. Hacking Raspberry Pi
    7. Arduino Hacking
    8. Que Estudiar Para Ser Hacker
    9. Hacking Apps
    10. Blog Hacking
    11. Ingeniería Social. El Arte Del Hacking Personal Pdf
    12. Hacking Linkedin

    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Vsftpd Backdoor - Ekoparty Prectf - Amn3S1A Team

    It's a 32bits elf binary of some version of vsftpd, where it have been added a backdoor, they don't specify is an authentication backdoor, a special command or other stuff.

    I started looking for something weird on the authentication routines, but I didn't found anything significant in a brief period of time, so I decided to do a bindiff, that was the key for locating the backdoor quickly. I do a quick diff of the strings with the command "strings bin | sort -u" and "vimdiff" and noticed that the backdoored binary has the symbol "execl" which is weird because is a call for executing elfs, don't needed for a ftp service, and weird that the compiled binary doesn't has that symbol.

    Looking the xrefs of "execl" on IDA I found that code that is a clear backdoor, it create a socket, bind a port and duplicate the stdin, stdout and stderr to the socket and use the execl:

    There are one xrefs to this function, the function that decides when trigger that is that kind of systems equations decision:

    The backdoor was not on the authentication, it was a special command to trigger the backdoor, which is obfuscated on that systems equation, it was no needed to use a z3 equation solver because is a simple one and I did it by hand.

    The equation:
    cmd[0] = 69
    cmd[1] = 78
    cmd[1] + cmd[2] = 154
    cmd[2] + cmd[3] = 202
    cmd[3] + cmd[4] = 241
    cmd[4] + cmd[5] = 233
    cmd[5] + cmd[6] = 217
    cmd[6] + cmd[7] = 218
    cmd[7] + cmd[8] = 228
    cmd[8] + cmd[9] = 212
    cmd[9] + cmd[10] = 195
    cmd[10] + cmd[11] = 195
    cmd[11] + cmd[12] = 201
    cmd[12] + cmd[13] = 207
    cmd[13] + cmd[14] = 203
    cmd[14] + cmd[15] = 215
    cmd[15] + cmd[16] = 235
    cmd[16] + cmd[17] = 242

    The solution:
    cmd[0] = 69
    cmd[1] = 75
    cmd[2] = 79
    cmd[3] = 123
    cmd[4] = 118
    cmd[5] = 115
    cmd[6] = 102
    cmd[7] = 116
    cmd[8] = 112
    cmd[9] = 100
    cmd[10] = 95
    cmd[11] = 100
    cmd[12] = 101
    cmd[13] = 106
    cmd[14] = 97                    
    cmd[15] = 118
    cmd[16] = 117
    cmd[17] = 125

    The flag:

    The binary:

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    3. Libro Hacker
    4. Curso Hacking Etico
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    "snmpcheck is a free open source utility to get information via SNMP protocols. It works fine against Windows, Linux, Cisco, HP-UX, SunOS systems and any devices with SNMP protocol support. It could be useful for penetration testing or systems monitoring. snmpcheck has been tested on GNU/Linux, *BSD, Windows systems and Cygwin. snmpcheck is distributed under GPL license and based on Athena-2k script by jshaw. " read more...

    Website: http://www.nothink.org/perl/snmpcheck

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    Networking | Routing And Switching | Tutorial 2 | 2018

    Welcome to my 2nd tutorial of the series of networking. In this video I've briefly described peer to peer network (P2P). Moreover, you'll see how to make a peer to peer network? How it's working? How we can intercept traffic over the network by using Wireshark? and many more. Wireshark tool is integrated with eNSP so it'll be installed automatically when you install the eNSP. On the other hand, you can install the Wireshark for your personal use from its website.

    What is Peer to Peer (P2P) network? 

    As when devices are connected with each other for the sake of communication that'll be known as a Network. Now what is peer to peer network? In P2P network each and every device is behaving like a server and a client as well. Moreover They are directly connected with each other in such a way that they can send and received data to other devices at the same time and there is no need of any central server in between them.

    There is a question that mostly comes up into our minds that  Is it possible to capture data from the network? So the answer is yes. We can easily captured data from the network with the help of tools that have been created for network troubleshooting, so whenever there will be some issues happening to the network so we fixed that issues with the help of tools. Most usable tool for data capturing that every network analyst used named Wireshark but there are so many other tools available over the internet like SmartSniff, Ethereal, Colasoft Capsa Network Analyze, URL Helper, SoftX HTTP Debugger and many more.

    What is Wireshark?

    Wireshark is an open source network analyzer or sniffer used to capture packets from the network and tries to display the brief information about the packets. It is also used for software and communication protocol development. Moreover, Wireshark is the best tool to intercept the traffic over the network.