Khadgamala stotram – meaning
Khadgamala is not merely a Stotra or a hymn but is a Mala Mantra which invokes Sri Mahatripurasundari along with all her Avarana Devatas. It is a very powerful invocation. Sri Lalita Sahasranama, Sri Lalita Trishati and Sri Shuddha Mala – these are considered to be an absolute must for a Srividya Upasaka. By chanting this Mala Mantra in times which make detailed Navavarana Chakrarchana Saparya not possible, complete fruit of performing Navavarana is assured to the Sadhaka who simply chants this Mala Mantra. Several scriptures have dealt with this immensely powerful and important Mantra, Tripurarnava Tantra, Tantraraja Tantra, Vamakeshwara Tantra, Rudrayamalaâ's Rajarajeshwari Parishishtha, Lalita Tantra to name a few. Even Brahmanda Purana's Lalitopakhyana gives a Mala named "Sahasrakshari Vidya", on the lines of Shuddha Shakti Mala. The Mala is of five types: Sambudhyanta, Namonta, Swahanta, Tarpananta and Jayanta. By having each of these five Malas for Shiva, Shakti and Shiva – Shakti Mithuna, we end up with fifteen Malas, which along with the three Tripurasundari Mala Mantras, form the eighteen Malas of Srividya.
There are many types and levels of worship of the Devi(s) of the Sri Chakra. The Khadgamala is the simplest way. It is simply reciting the names of all the Devis of the Sri Chakra. The following is the sequence in which the names should be recited. It is very good for all round protection and progress. If recited when you are tired and exhausted, it is an excellent rejuvenator of the body, mind and the soul.
Om Aim Hrim Srim Aim Klim Souh
Om Namah Tripura Sundari, Hridayadevi, Sirodevi, Sikhadevi, Kavaca Devi, Netra Devi, Astra Devi
Kamesvari, Bhagamalini, Nityaklinne, Bherunde, Vahnivasini, Mahavajresvari, Sivaduti, Tvarite, Kulasundari, Nitya, Nilapatake, Vijaye, Sarvamangale, Jvalamalini, Citre, Mahanitye, Paramesvara Paramesvari
Mitresamayi, Sasthisamayi, Uddisamayi, Caryanathamayi, Lopamudramayi, Agastyamayi, Kalatapanamayi, Dharmacaryamayi, Muktakesisvaramayi, Dipakalanathamayi, Visnudevamayi, Prabhakara devamayi, Tejodevamayi, Manojadevamayi, Kalyanadevamayi, Vasudevamayi, Ratnadevamayi, Sri Ramanandamayi
Anima Siddhe, Laghima Siddhe, Garima Siddhe, Mahima Siddhe, Isitva Siddhe, Vasitva Siddhe, Prakamya Siddhe, Bhukti Siddhe, Iccha Siddhe, Prapti Siddhe, Sarvakama Siddhe, Brahmi, Mahesvari, Koumari, Vaisnavi, Varahi, Mahendri, Camunde, Mahalaksmi, Sarva Samksobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva karsini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarvonmadini, Sarva Mahankuse, Sarva Khecari, Sarva Bije, Sarva Yone, Sarva Trikhande, Trilokya mohana cakra swamini Prakata yogini
Kamakarsini, Buddhyakarsini, Ahamkarakarsini, Sabdhakarsini, Sparsakarsini, Rupakarsini, Rasakarsini, Gandhakarsini, Cittakarsini, Dharyakarsini, Smrityikarsini, Namakarsini, Bijakarsini, Atmakarsini, Amrtakarsini, Sarirakarsini, Sarvasa paripuraka cakra svamini Gupta yogini
Ananga Kusume, Ananga Mekhale, Ananga Madane, Ananga Madananture, Ananga Redhe, Ananga Vegini, Ananga Kusume, Ananga Malini, Sarva sanksoghana sadhaka cakra swamini Gupta tara yogini
Sarva Samksobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva Karsini, Sarva Hladini, Sarva Sammohini, Sarva Stambini, Sarva Jrumbhini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarva Ranjani, Sarvonmadini, Sarvarthasadhini, Sarva Sampattipurani, Sarva Mantra Mayi, Sarva Dvandva Ksayamkari, Sarva Soubhagya Dayaka Cakra Swamini Sampradaya yogini
Sarva Siddhiprade, Sarva Sampatprade, Sarva Priyamkari, Sarva Mangalakarini, Sarva Kamaprade, Sarva Duhkha Vimocani, Sarva Mrityu Prasamani, Sarva Vigna Nivarani, Sarvanga Sundari, Sarva Soubhagya Dayini Sarvartha Sadhaka Cakra Swamini Kulottirna yogini
Sarva Jne, Sarva Sakte, Sarvaisvarya pradayini, Sarva Jnanamayi, Sarva Vyadhivinasini, Sarvadharasvarupe, Sarva Papa Hare, Sarva Ananda Mayi, Sarva Raksa Svarupini, Sarvepsita Phala Prade, Sarva Raksakara Cakra Svamini Nigarbha yogini
Vasini, Kamesvari, Modini, Vimale, Arune, Jayini, Sarvesvari, Kaulini, Sarvarogahara Cakra Swamini Rahasya yogini Banini, Capini, Pasini, Ankusini
Maha Kamesvari, Maha Vajresvari, Maha Bhagamalini, Sarva Siddhiprada Cakra Swamini Ati Rahasya yogini Sri Sri Maha Bhattarike Sarvananda Maya Cakra Swamini Parapara Rahasya Yogini
Tripure, Tripuresi, Tripurasundari, Tripura Vasini, Tripura Srih, Tripuramalini, Tripura Siddhe, Tripurambe, Maha Mahesvari, Maha Maha Rajni, Maha Maha Sakte, Maha Maha Gupte, Maha Maha Jnapte, Maha Mahannande, Maha Maha Skandhe, Maha Mahasaye, Maha Maha Sri Cakra Nagara Samrajni
Sri Lalita Tripura Sundar Padukam Poojayami Tarpayami Namah.
Khadga means a sword and mala means a garland. Sword cuts the head, separating body from mind. It can be interpreted also as wisdom, which separates, categorizes, and classifies. So it is a symbol of knowledge. Khadgamala is about imagining a garland of ideas, nourishing and protecting them and putting life into them.
The Divine mother Life imagined that there should be time, and time came to be. She chose to be the space, the womb, in which time can move. Time and space going in whirls make matter. Time and space also provided the ground for vibrations of energy in the form of light. Light preserves the present moment. The light was Sarasvati. Time – space – matter was classified by Her great will into life, sky, air, fire, water and earth and their properties in seed form. The Divine Mother imagined 14 stable worlds in an atom, and 14 worlds in cosmos. Then she felt this was enough and put a sphere around it.
So far the creation had all the richness of variety, forms of Lakshmi, but there was no action because time was like space refusing to move. Everything was light. She created a great movement to time. Then time began to flow making all motions possible. She made the earth to move around the sun making years and moon around earth making the lunar month. Only if Life is coupled to time any form of experience can occur. Two examples illustrate this. 1. We have life but we don't feel flowing time in sleep. 2. We have no life but time is flowing. In both these cases there is no experience. So life has to be in continuous union with flowing time in order to have any experience. Sometimes Life would separate from time and then there would be no experience but rest.
Then she limited the fields of cosmic awareness making an individual. The individual separated from cosmos and said," I am so and so and these are mine and these are not mine." There was fear and desire about what is not mine. If I did not get what I wanted, I felt helpless, angry and needed power. If I get the desired object I was greedy and would not let it go. I deluded into feeling I can't live without it. I had the pride that I had it, and nobody else had it. I was jealous that others had things I did not have. I was worried what I had would go away. All these passions: fear, desire, anger, greed, attachment, delusion , pride, jealousy, spring from the original separation of myself from the world.
I was worried that I would die, and how can I go on after my life? I discovered food for extending my life. I discovered also that I could create new life forms through pleasure. So, sex was like hunger, nourishing my need to extend my self beyond death. The Divine Mother took the form of Kundalini and chose birth channel as her coiled abode ready to uncoil and strike to transcend life and realizing my potential to be a cosmic being in space and time, before creation of life.
The Khadgamala is the equation I=World=Beyond. Regular practice protects you, nourishes you, and takes you beyond. It fulfils all wishes, more than you desire, instantly. Therein lies its power.
How should you practice Khadgamala? As you are reciting each name, a portion of Sri Chakra should spring up in your imagination. The power comes from intensifying concentration to visualize the form, hear the sound, feel the touch, taste, and smell of the divine perfume of the goddess manifesting that part of the ever youthful Goddess. You can sit in front of each of the sculptures in Devipuram to get training into such visualizations. The Goddess loves fun. She is deeply in love with You, making You Siva.
Om Aim Hrim Srim Aim Klim Souh
Om Namah Tripura Sundari, Hridayadevi, Sirodevi, Sikhadevi, Kavaca Devi, Netra Devi, Astra Devi
Kamesvari, Bhagamalini, Nityaklinne, Bherunde, Vahnivasini, Mahavajresvari, Sivaduti, Tvarite, Kulasundari, Nitya, Nilapatake, Vijaye, Sarvamangale, Jvalamalini, Citre, Mahanitye, Paramesvara Paramesvari
Mitresamayi, Sasthisamayi, Uddisamayi, Caryanathamayi, Lopamudramayi, Agastyamayi, Kalatapanamayi, Dharmacaryamayi, Muktakesisvaramayi, Dipakalanathamayi, Visnudevamayi, Prabhakara devamayi, Tejodevamayi, Manojadevamayi, Kalyanadevamayi, Vasudevamayi, Ratnadevamayi, Sri Ramanandamayi
Anima Siddhe, Laghima Siddhe, Garima Siddhe, Mahima Siddhe, Isitva Siddhe, Vasitva Siddhe, Prakamya Siddhe, Bhukti Siddhe, Iccha Siddhe, Prapti Siddhe, Sarvakama Siddhe, Brahmi, Mahesvari, Koumari, Vaisnavi, Varahi, Mahendri, Camunde, Mahalaksmi, Sarva Samksobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva karsini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarvonmadini, Sarva Mahankuse, Sarva Khecari, Sarva Bije, Sarva Yone, Sarva Trikhande, Trilokya mohana cakra swamini Prakata yogini
Kamakarsini, Buddhyakarsini, Ahamkarakarsini, Sabdhakarsini, Sparsakarsini, Rupakarsini, Rasakarsini, Gandhakarsini, Cittakarsini, Dharyakarsini, Smrityikarsini, Namakarsini, Bijakarsini, Atmakarsini, Amrtakarsini, Sarirakarsini, Sarvasa paripuraka cakra svamini Gupta yogini
Ananga Kusume, Ananga Mekhale, Ananga Madane, Ananga Madananture, Ananga Redhe, Ananga Vegini, Ananga Kusume, Ananga Malini, Sarva sanksoghana sadhaka cakra swamini Gupta tara yogini
Sarva Samksobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva Karsini, Sarva Hladini, Sarva Sammohini, Sarva Stambini, Sarva Jrumbhini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarva Ranjani, Sarvonmadini, Sarvarthasadhini, Sarva Sampattipurani, Sarva Mantra Mayi, Sarva Dvandva Ksayamkari, Sarva Soubhagya Dayaka Cakra Swamini Sampradaya yogini
Sarva Siddhiprade, Sarva Sampatprade, Sarva Priyamkari, Sarva Mangalakarini, Sarva Kamaprade, Sarva Duhkha Vimocani, Sarva Mrityu Prasamani, Sarva Vigna Nivarani, Sarvanga Sundari, Sarva Soubhagya Dayini Sarvartha Sadhaka Cakra Swamini Kulottirna yogini
Sarva Jne, Sarva Sakte, Sarvaisvarya pradayini, Sarva Jnanamayi, Sarva Vyadhivinasini, Sarvadharasvarupe, Sarva Papa Hare, Sarva Ananda Mayi, Sarva Raksa Svarupini, Sarvepsita Phala Prade, Sarva Raksakara Cakra Svamini Nigarbha yogini
Vasini, Kamesvari, Modini, Vimale, Arune, Jayini, Sarvesvari, Kaulini, Sarvarogahara Cakra Swamini Rahasya yogini Banini, Capini, Pasini, Ankusini
Maha Kamesvari, Maha Vajresvari, Maha Bhagamalini, Sarva Siddhiprada Cakra Swamini Ati Rahasya yogini Sri Sri Maha Bhattarike Sarvananda Maya Cakra Swamini Parapara Rahasya Yogini
Tripure, Tripuresi, Tripurasundari, Tripura Vasini, Tripura Srih, Tripuramalini, Tripura Siddhe, Tripurambe, Maha Mahesvari, Maha Maha Rajni, Maha Maha Sakte, Maha Maha Gupte, Maha Maha Jnapte, Maha Mahannande, Maha Maha Skandhe, Maha Mahasaye, Maha Maha Sri Cakra Nagara Samrajni
Sri Lalita Tripura Sundar Padukam Poojayami Tarpayami Namah.
Khadga means a sword and mala means a garland. Sword cuts the head, separating body from mind. It can be interpreted also as wisdom, which separates, categorizes, and classifies. So it is a symbol of knowledge. Khadgamala is about imagining a garland of ideas, nourishing and protecting them and putting life into them.
The Divine mother Life imagined that there should be time, and time came to be. She chose to be the space, the womb, in which time can move. Time and space going in whirls make matter. Time and space also provided the ground for vibrations of energy in the form of light. Light preserves the present moment. The light was Sarasvati. Time – space – matter was classified by Her great will into life, sky, air, fire, water and earth and their properties in seed form. The Divine Mother imagined 14 stable worlds in an atom, and 14 worlds in cosmos. Then she felt this was enough and put a sphere around it.
So far the creation had all the richness of variety, forms of Lakshmi, but there was no action because time was like space refusing to move. Everything was light. She created a great movement to time. Then time began to flow making all motions possible. She made the earth to move around the sun making years and moon around earth making the lunar month. Only if Life is coupled to time any form of experience can occur. Two examples illustrate this. 1. We have life but we don't feel flowing time in sleep. 2. We have no life but time is flowing. In both these cases there is no experience. So life has to be in continuous union with flowing time in order to have any experience. Sometimes Life would separate from time and then there would be no experience but rest.
Then she limited the fields of cosmic awareness making an individual. The individual separated from cosmos and said," I am so and so and these are mine and these are not mine." There was fear and desire about what is not mine. If I did not get what I wanted, I felt helpless, angry and needed power. If I get the desired object I was greedy and would not let it go. I deluded into feeling I can't live without it. I had the pride that I had it, and nobody else had it. I was jealous that others had things I did not have. I was worried what I had would go away. All these passions: fear, desire, anger, greed, attachment, delusion , pride, jealousy, spring from the original separation of myself from the world.
I was worried that I would die, and how can I go on after my life? I discovered food for extending my life. I discovered also that I could create new life forms through pleasure. So, sex was like hunger, nourishing my need to extend my self beyond death. The Divine Mother took the form of Kundalini and chose birth channel as her coiled abode ready to uncoil and strike to transcend life and realizing my potential to be a cosmic being in space and time, before creation of life.
The Khadgamala is the equation I=World=Beyond. Regular practice protects you, nourishes you, and takes you beyond. It fulfils all wishes, more than you desire, instantly. Therein lies its power.
How should you practice Khadgamala? As you are reciting each name, a portion of Sri Chakra should spring up in your imagination. The power comes from intensifying concentration to visualize the form, hear the sound, feel the touch, taste, and smell of the divine perfume of the goddess manifesting that part of the ever youthful Goddess. You can sit in front of each of the sculptures in Devipuram to get training into such visualizations. The Goddess loves fun. She is deeply in love with You, making You Siva.
NaveenChinthakaaya - Creative Guy.......
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